Beginner's mind, expert's skill.

I think that's something to strive for. Maybe this is something you'll disagree with. But while having a beginner's approach leads to discovery, it's limited by one's ability to execute.

This is a balance I've always struggled with. Not being an expert, I can't effortlessly produce the sounds I want to. But also not being a beginner, I perceive sounds with a great deal of bias.

"Hyperballad" by Björk


So, hey! I guess I'm doing YouTube videos now. For some reason this never occurred to me, since I am definitely not a photographer of any kind. But they don't seem to turn out too bad, and they're easy to make. Why didn't you tell me this before? :p

I love this song, but I love Björk even more. A true artist.

Original song: "Hyperballad" by Björk

Dedicated to the person who inspires me. You know who you are. ;)

"Across the Universe" by The Beatles

I've spent way too much time thinking about doing this, rather than just making it happen. Have a listen:

One of my favourite songs, and perhaps one of the best of all time. On a whim, I recorded a version of this years ago. There were some good ideas there that I'm absolutely in love with, but it was sloppy and of poor quality. Since then I've been obsessed with "doing it right", and this is pretty damn close. But some of the quirks of my original attempt still have their hooks in me, so I suspect I may revist it again one day. But for now, this is it.

On Mortality

I have never known someone who died. Until now. I'm not really even sure how to process it.

People talk about things like 'god' and the 'question of suffering'. I'm not even going to try to tackle that; not now. This is similar, but a little different.

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